


struct ImgInfo

Image information.

Public Members

std::uint16_t frame_id

Image frame id.

std::uint32_t timestamp

Image timestamp.

std::uint16_t exposure_time

Image exposure time.


struct ImuData

Imu data.

Public Members

std::uint8_t flag

Data type MYNTEYE_IMU_ACCEL: accelerometer MYNTEYE_IMU_GYRO: gyroscope.

std::uint64_t timestamp

Imu gyroscope or accelerometer or frame timestamp.

double temperature


double accel[3]

Imu accelerometer data for 3-axis: X, Y, X.

double gyro[3]

Imu gyroscope data for 3-axis: X, Y, Z.


struct StreamData

Stream data.

Public Members

std::shared_ptr<Image> img

Image data.

std::shared_ptr<ImgInfo> img_info

Image information.


struct MotionData

Motion data.

Public Members

std::shared_ptr<ImuData> imu




struct CameraIntrinsics

Camera intrinsics: size, coeffs and camera matrix.

Public Members

std::uint16_t width

The width of the image in pixels.

std::uint16_t height

The height of the image in pixels.

double fx

The focal length of the image plane, as a multiple of pixel width.

double fy

The focal length of the image plane, as a multiple of pixel height.

double cx

The horizontal coordinate of the principal point of the image.

double cy

The vertical coordinate of the principal point of the image.

double coeffs[5]

The distortion coefficients: k1,k2,p1,p2,k3.

double p[12]

3x4 projection matrix in the (rectified) coordinate systems left: fx’ cx’ fy’ cy’ 1 right: fx’ cx’ tx fy’ cy’ 1

double r[9]

3x3 rectification transform (rotation matrix) for the left camera.


struct StreamIntrinsics

Camera intrinsics: size, coeffs and camera matrix.


struct ImuIntrinsics

IMU intrinsics: scale, drift and variances.

Public Members

double scale[3][3]

Scale matrix.

Scale X     cross axis  cross axis
cross axis  Scale Y     cross axis
cross axis  cross axis  Scale Z

double assembly[3][3]

Assembly error [3][3].

double noise[3]

Noise density variances.

double bias[3]

Random walk variances.

double x[2]

Temperature drift.

0 - Constant value
1 - Slope


struct MotionIntrinsics

Motion intrinsics, including accelerometer and gyroscope.

Public Members

ImuIntrinsics accel

Accelerometer intrinsics.

ImuIntrinsics gyro

Gyroscope intrinsics.


struct Extrinsics

Extrinsics, represent how the different datas are connected.

Public Functions

Extrinsics Inverse() const

Inverse this extrinsics.


the inversed extrinsics.

Public Members

double rotation[3][3]

Rotation matrix left camera to right camera.

double translation[3]

Translation vector left camera to right camera.