ROS Usage

Compile and run the node according to ROS Installation.

rostopic list lists all released nodes:


rostopic hz <topic> checks the data:

subscribed to [/mynteye/imu/data_raw]
average rate: 202.806
    min: 0.000s max: 0.021s std dev: 0.00819s window: 174
average rate: 201.167
    min: 0.000s max: 0.021s std dev: 0.00819s window: 374
average rate: 200.599
    min: 0.000s max: 0.021s std dev: 0.00819s window: 574
average rate: 200.461
    min: 0.000s max: 0.021s std dev: 0.00818s window: 774
average rate: 200.310
    min: 0.000s max: 0.021s std dev: 0.00818s window: 974

rostopic echo <topic> can print and release data. Please read rostopic for more information.

The ROS file is structured like follows:

     │  ├─display.launch
     │  └─mynteye.launch
     │  └─slam
     │     ├─orb_slam2.launch
     │     └─vins_fusion.launch
     │     └─vins_mono.launch
     │  ├─
     │  └─
     │  └─
     │  └─
     │  └─pointcloud_generator.h

In mynteye.launch ,you can configure topics and frame_ids ,decide which data to enable, and set the control options.Please refer

to Support Resolutions to set frame rate and resolution. Please set

gravity to the local gravity acceleration.

<!-- Camera Params -->

<!-- Device index -->
<arg name="dev_index" default="0" />
<!-- Framerate -->
<arg name="framerate" default="30" />

Device mode
  device_color: left_color ✓ right_color ? depth x
  device_depth: left_color x right_color x depth ✓
  device_all:   left_color ✓ right_color ? depth ✓
Note: ✓: available, x: unavailable, ?: depends on #stream_mode
<arg name="dev_mode" default="$(arg device_all)" />

<!-- Set Color Mode form color_raw, color_rectified-->
<arg name="color_mode" default="$(arg color_raw)" />

Set depth mode
Note: must set DEPTH_RAW to get raw depth values for points
<arg name="depth_mode" default="$(arg depth_raw)" />
Set resolution from stream_640x480,stream_1280x720,stream_1280x480,stream_2560x720
<arg name="stream_mode" default="$(arg stream_2560x720)" />

<!-- Auto-exposure -->
<arg name="state_ae" default="true" />
<!-- Auto-white balance -->
<arg name="state_awb" default="true" />
<!-- IR intensity -->
<arg name="ir_intensity" default="4" />
<!-- IR Depth Only -->
<arg name="ir_depth_only" default="false" />

<!-- Setup your local gravity here -->
<arg name="gravity" default="9.8" />