Get Data From CallbacksΒΆ

API offers function SetStreamCallback() and SetMotionCallback() to set callbacks for various data.

Reference code snippet:

cam.SetImgInfoCallback([](const std::shared_ptr<ImgInfo>& info) {
    std::cout << "  [img_info] fid: " << info->frame_id
        << ", stamp: " << info->timestamp
        << ", expos: " << info->exposure_time << std::endl
        << std::flush;
for (auto&& type : types) {
    // Set stream data callback
    cam.SetStreamCallback(type, [](const StreamData& data) {
    std::cout << "  [" << data.img->type() << "] fid: "
        << data.img->frame_id() << std::endl
        << std::flush;

// Set motion data callback
cam.SetMotionCallback([](const MotionData& data) {
    if (data.imu->flag == MYNTEYE_IMU_ACCEL) {
        std::cout << "[accel] stamp: " << data.imu->timestamp
        << ", x: " << data.imu->accel[0]
        << ", y: " << data.imu->accel[1]
        << ", z: " << data.imu->accel[2]
        << ", temp: " << data.imu->temperature
        << std::endl;
    } else if (data.imu->flag == MYNTEYE_IMU_GYRO) {
        std::cout << "[gyro] stamp: " << data.imu->timestamp
        << ", x: " << data.imu->gyro[0]
        << ", y: " << data.imu->gyro[1]
        << ", z: " << data.imu->gyro[2]
        << ", temp: " << data.imu->temperature
        << std::endl;
    std::cout << std::flush;

OpenCV is used to display images and data above. When the window is selected, pressing ESC/Q will exit program.

Complete code examples, see