Get Depth Image(Compatible With USB2.0)ΒΆ

In this sample you can learn how to display depth image and compute left camera coordinate from depth image.

You can change depth_mode to change the display of the depth image.

// Depth mode: colorful(default), gray, raw
params.depth_mode = DepthMode::DEPTH_RAW;

Then you can get it through GetStreamData().In addition, it should be check not be empty before use.

Reference code snippet:

auto image_depth = cam.GetStreamData(ImageType::IMAGE_DEPTH);
if (image_depth.img) {
  allow_count = true;
  auto &&depth_raw = image_depth.img->To(ImageFormat::DEPTH_RAW);
  auto &&depth_color =
      colorize->Process(depth_raw, ImageFormat::DEPTH_BGR)->ToMat();

  cv::setMouseCallback("depth", OnDepthMouseCallback, &depth_region);
  cv::imshow("depth", depth_color);

  // pass depth_raw to get real depth value
      [](const ushort& elem) {
        return std::to_string(elem);
      }, 80, depth_info);

The above code uses OpenCV to display the image. When the display window is selected, pressing ESC/Q will end the program.


You can use function ToMat() to convert raw depth frame to other format such as gray and colorful(raw:CV_16UC1, gray & colorful:CV).

Complete code examples, see